Role of College Development Council

The College Development Council will take steps for Promotion, Co-ordination and raising the standard of education in colleges. For this purpose the Council   shall-

  1. Function as a Policy Making Body in regard to proper planning & integrated development of the Colleges.
  2. Conduct surveys of all the affiliated colleges for maintaining an up-to-date profile of each college under the University.
  3. Advise the University on all matters relating to development of affiliated colleges.
  4. Prepare perspective plan for the development & opening of new colleges.
  5. Advise University in regard to rationalization & implementation of the University Policy on affiliation of the colleges.
  6. Help colleges in their proper development, selection of teachers, proper utilization of grants, efficient implementation of guidelines of University Grants Commission (UGC) on examinations, courses etc.
  7. Help in implementation of regulations framed by the UGC regarding academic standards & restructuring of courses at the under graduate level.
  8. Identify colleges for autonomous status.
  9. Evaluate and assess the impact of grants of University Grants Commission.
  10. Ensure timely release of grant of University to the Colleges and its proper utilization.
  11. Review inspection reports for the colleges and take remedial steps.
  12. Prepare annual report on the functioning of the CDC & submit the same to the Syndicate of the University & UGC.
  13. Perform such other functions as may be prescribed by the University with a view to advancing the course of Collegiate Education.