After completion of this lesson, you will be acquainted with basic concepts,
characteristics of ICT and its applications, advantages and disadvantages, and
components of ICT. You would will learn about evolution of computers from generation
one to generation five based on their size, components and processing capacity. You
were also introduced to the computer system and its functional units including input unit,
output unit, CPU and memory units, motherboard, ports, etc.
- Teacher: Dr. Manoj Kumar Acharya

The course is targeted
for students
of library science course. Learner will be able to know about fundamentals of
computer, Library house keeping operation using computer, automation of library
using open source Integrated Library Management software, internet basics, and providing
regular library services utilizing the Internet and web 2.0 tools to the users.
Also the learners will be able to get knowledge on web tools and web based
library services.
- Teacher: LILI SAHU

The content of this course include; Scientometrics, Bibliometrics and Altmetrics, Webometric.
- Teacher: Lulu Rout