At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

  1. Explain the concepts of growth and development of human child and the underlined general principles of growth and development.
  2. Describe briefly the periods and the typical characteristics of growth and development during each period.
  3. Describe the developmental needs for children and suggest educational strategies for holistic development of children.
  4. Explain the problems and issues face by children and strategies required to address the problems.
  5. Specify the contexts and factors influencing development.
  6. Explain the theories of socio-emotional, cognitive and language development and their educational implications.
  7. Describe the developmental characteristics of childhood development and their bearing on school and classroom practices.
  8. Elaborate the developmental characteristics, contextual needs and tasks during adolescence and the role of school and teachers in addressing the challenges during this period of development.
  9. State the different forms and characteristics of individual differences and the ways of meeting the classroom issues arising out of the differences.